Moving in!

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A big mess has never looked so good!
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Duke’s happy we got all the cozy stuff back 😉
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I love my new island!!
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Mommy’s lil guy
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His new favorite thing the do…
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When you need to haul everything out to the car
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“‘Scuse me, ma’am, I have a return.”
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Duke sleeps the longest and hardest in mom and dad’s bed, COVERED in coziness ❤

So, so, so happy. Friday we received our household goods (aka: OUR STUFF!!!). It was such an awesome feeling to see our things being hauled into our empty apartment. It felt like Christmas opening up our boxes – I forgot how many great things we packed! Now that we have arranged and rearranged the rooms a few times, it’s looking so homey and cozy… I’m in love ❤ I’ll show you guys pictures when I get things cleaned up a bit!

God has been so good this week. We prayed that we would get our household goods before the four day weekend so that we could unpack and set things up while Danny had a chunk of time off work. He answered that prayer and another prayer that Duke would start sleeping through the night. It’s so funny – before I had kids, when I heard people talking about their kids’ sleep schedules, I just didn’t understand the SIGNIFICANCE those schedules really are! Now that I am mom myself, I. understand. But Duke has now had two good nights back to back and both Danny and I feel like new people! Well, that may also be because we now have our wonderful mattress back!!

We’ve made a few more IKEA runs the past few weeks and if you follow my Instagram you have seen just how tedious it is to put large boxes/rugs/chairs into a little hatchback! haha, its always a puzzle trying to get everything to fit! I realized I’ve been taking lots of videos and not as many pictures lately, which are harder to share on here, obviously, so I’m going to do my best to take more pictures to put on here. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!

2 thoughts on “Moving in!

  1. You guys look great! Thank you for the great message. We’re looking forward to talking to you and figuring out how we can talk to you more often!

    From: We Write to Taste Life Twice To: Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 1:17 PM Subject: [New post] Moving in! #yiv5896700051 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv5896700051 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv5896700051 a.yiv5896700051primaryactionlink:link, #yiv5896700051 a.yiv5896700051primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv5896700051 a.yiv5896700051primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv5896700051 a.yiv5896700051primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv5896700051 | Charity (wewritetotastelifetwiceblog) posted: “So, so, so happy. Friday we received our household goods (aka: OUR STUFF!!!). It was such an awesome feeling to see our things being hauled into our empty apartment. It felt like Christmas opening up our boxes – I forgot how many great thi” | |


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